以色列商会 I 以色列农业科技线上研讨会
以色列如今有大量致力于农业科技研发的企业和科研院所,不断向世界输出灌溉系统、温室大棚、田间传感器、无人机等先进农业技术。 我们诚挚邀请您参加以色列农业科技研讨会,了解更多中以农业创新科技和前沿知识,寻求合作商机。
IsCham invites you to our Agritech Webinar on Wednesday, May 27th from 16:00 pm to 17:30 pm. In this webinar, the newest Israeli Agritech trends and innovation will be introduced followed by Israeli companies sharing their recent experience and knowledge in Agritech.
Date: 周三,五月27日|Wednesday, 27th May 2020
Time: 16:00-17:30 (中国时间CN) [**] 11:00-12:30 (以色列时间)
Venue: Online Webinar|线上研讨会(Zoom app)
16:00 - 16:05 活动介绍 [**] Introduction
16:05 - 16:20 以色列农业技术前沿概况及合作机会分享 [**] Latest trends of Israeli agriculture industry
16:20 - 16:35 耐特菲姆:适合全球所有气候和植物条件的温室系统 [**] Netafim: Optimizing Greenhouse Solutions to Suit Any Climate or Crop
16:35 - 16:45 达甘农业:为中国老百姓“种植”安全健康的食品 [**] Dagan Agriculture: Growing Healthy Food for Chinese Folks
16:45 - 16:55 Etza农业:帮助中国用户构筑农业全产业链体系 [**] Etza Agriculture: Building the Whole Industrial Chain of Agriculture
报名方式 [**] Registration
After your registration is completed, you will receive a confirmation email from EventBank with a zoom link. Please download zoom app and click this link immediately to join on the ZOOM website to avoid login issues later.
注册完成后,商会审核后您将收到附有会议zoom连接的邀请邮件,会议当天直接点击zoom链接即可参加。(友情提示:请提前下载zoom app,以避免当天出现登录等技术问题)