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国外医疗公司采购IPA 70% 消毒填充 -- 20241217

IPA 70% 消毒

国外医疗公司采购IPA 70% 消毒填充





I am looking for a supplier with medical certification, that can make 30ml spout bags with twist off buterfly can, filled with IPA medical grade.我正在寻找一家拥有医疗认证的供应商,可以生产 30 毫升带旋盖的塑料袋,并填充医疗级IPA 。

They can buy the spout bags elsewhere and fill it in their factory. Or make it all in one site.  总之要具备可以外购袋子然后在自己工厂填充的能力。

Also if supplier is able to fill IPA mefical grade but does not have the pouches we can arrange shipment from spout bag manufaturers.  此外如果供应商能够填充 IPA 医疗级但没有袋子,我们可以安排塑料袋制造商发货(意思是袋子也可以客供)。

This is a new project and estimated quantities are 100,000 pcs per month at the moment  这是一个新项目,目前估计数量为每月 100,000 件

If you have such a supplier we can discuss further the details. We will have to sign NDA first

1,这是一个新项目(公司 也是新项目),以前没有做过


3,浓度:IPA 70% 消毒


5,增加一条新要求:还有另一个挑选工厂关键标准,我们找的供应商必须在美国环保署注册(环境认证)。这是今天新增加的,我感觉这条估计要PASS掉 很多工厂。

There is another crucial critetia. Supplier must be EPA registered  in USA(environmental certification)


